Vehicle Minting

The feature of minting is activated when the vehicle level reaches 10. Two vehicles with different ID can mint a new one. Each vehicle can mint up to 7 times. The cost of vehicle minting are as follows.

Cost of Vehicle Minting(DTT)

The Minting Frequency and the Cost Ratio

The larger the minting frequency, the higher DTT or DMT cost. The cost of each vehicle minting adds up to the final minting cost.

For example, if you mint a 2-time Hydrogen S car and a 1-time Petroleum B car, it will cost:

If you mint a 3-time Nuclear S car and a 2-time Electric A car, it will cost:

Odds of Vehicle Type after Minting

The type of vehicle by minting depends on the parent vehicles.

Odds of Rarity after Minting

The rarity of vehicle by minting depends on the parent vehicles. The minting is random. Therefore, vehicles of same rarity may mint a new vehicle of different attributes.

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